Call for Papers has ended!

Submissions were accepted untilApril 27, 2018

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The 2018 Web Development and UX Conference by Northeast PHP is fromSep 19, 2018 toSep 21, 2018 inBoston

Call for Papers Talk Ideas

The 2018 Web Development and UX Conference by Northeast PHP is not just a PHP conference. Web projects integrate many disciplines and we aim to bring PHP developers together with other industry professionals. In past years we had talks covering JavaScript, user experience, mental health, and many more. We encourage you to "think outside the box" to come up with your own unique topics.

Due to financial constraints most conferences tend to pick speakers to present multiple talks. Therefore it is advisable to submit a few talk ideas, not just one. By submitting a single talk you may lessen your chances of being selected.

To get the ideas flowing, here's a few suggestions:


Front End / UX

Soft Topics

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